Love Unfolds
2 min readDec 20, 2021


Think You Need To Plan Ahead For 2022?Then You Have To Read This

Another take on just letting things work out all by itself.

I didn't plan on writing a post tonight and I haven't been debating this for a long time but if it comes to me, then I have to do it.

Please do note, before I get to this, be reminded that I have no intentions of tackling vlog and blog posts that talk about planning ahead. In fact, I have nothing against planning. Sometimes, it works for me and sometimes it doesn't.

Now, before this whole preamble gets a little too long, let's get to it.

Before now, planning ahead made me feel giddy to an extent I would grab a pen while listening to a vlog or reading a blog post because as much as it worked for them, I want it to work for me too but then I stopped doing that.

Why, you ask me?

I really can't place a finger on why for now but I think maybe it's because my goals aren't working out or because I'm placing too much pressure on myself.

When you pin up those self care goals and what you need to achieve next year, it is normal you get anxious, it is normal you want to exert your energy to a point of frustration but remember, if it won't work out, it won't.

Say for example, I planned to finish a novel by Summer next year and start querying by December, it's a pretty good goal right? But what if I do not finish the book? What if I get stuck? Or on a safer side, what if I finish the book and it is so good but then an agent rejects it?

See there, something countered my goal so I couldn't achieve it but I tried and I'll keep trying for as long as it takes until I achieve it.

But just know that as you plan ahead for 2022, remember some of these things might not work out. You want to leave out toxic friends? What if you realize you need them next year? You want to finish a book? What if something comes up at work?

As much as we keep trying, remember it's necessary taking a break to avoid burn out. You do not have to sacrifice your health or anything else to achieve your goals but keep reaching out and one day, you just might.

I'll end this briefly with a quote that says, God gives us what we need not what we want so maybe, try to consider Him in all your plans.

